Version 0.1.0

The following document is a proposal for our staking system and the derivation of voting power. This is not final yet and subject to expect chaos as usual. If the high-level concept gets a green light, we start crunching numbers and calibrating formulas. Last phase is implementation.

I decided to make this proposal public, as the matters of our parachain and related governance model are public matters. It is meant to be discussed with our community. Feel free to give constructive feedback. As it’s not final, there is no reason to shoot me (yet).

Let’s start with the fig to get the TL;DR, then discuss the individual components.


I try to make it concise with bullet points.


It’s you. With your wallet.


The native token of our parachain. Can be natively routed between chains with the Multiverse Portal.


Virtual voting power units. User’s voting power comes from the sum of veSAMA scores coming from veSAMA yielding assets. veSAMA of an account is momentary, if you transfer/trade the underlying asset that yields it, it’s gone too. We want veSAMA to correctly represent a person’s long term interests in the ecosystem. Just because someone’s wallet has a veSAMA score, doesn’t mean that person can participate in every proposal. Some proposals are NFT gated, and reserved for Moonsamas or Exos.

Stake NFTs

ESSENCE (name changeable, WoW inspired)